That simply made no sense given the positive correlation of bank loan losses with unemployment. 根据银行贷款损失率和失业率的正相关性,很容易判断这个数据并不合理。
Both net fluxes and concentrations of phosphine had obviously positive correlation with temperature. 磷化氢的净通量和浓度与温度均呈显著正相关。
There is the positive correlation between the fractal dimension value and the economy mode. 分维值与各个地区的经济模式有一定相关性。
A positive correlation was detected between mean weight gain and longevity of females on Mudgo. 结果表明,取食抗性品种时,试虫的平均增重与寿命之间表现出明显的正相关。
Total protein, gliadin and gluten protein showed significant and positive correlation to sedimentation value and wet gluten content. 总蛋白、醇溶蛋白、贮藏蛋白含量均与沉淀值和湿面筋含量呈极显著正相关;
Systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure showed positive correlation with major and minor abnormalities. 除年龄、性别外,单因素分析结果显示收缩压、脉压与心电图编码异常有关。
The results show that organizational justice and job performance have a significantly positive correlation; 结果表明:组织公平感与工作绩效显著正相关;
Results Dispositional optimism had a significant positive correlation with optimistic explanatory style of junior high school students. 目的探讨初中生的乐观人格、解释风格与心理健康的关系。
Total protein, gliadin showed a significant and positive correlation to the bread volume. 总蛋白、醇溶蛋白含量与面包体积呈显著正相关。
The team also found that there was a positive correlation between residual volume and adiponectin in the COPD patients. However, no other respiratory parameters showed a significant correlation. 研究小组还发现,在COPD患者中残气量和脂联素存在正相关关系。但是,其他呼吸参数未显示出显著相关性。
He cited academic work showing the lack of positive correlation between GDP growth and stock market returns. 他援引学术研究成果证明,gdp增长和股市回报率之间不存在正相关关系。
At last, there is a significantly positive correlation between the positive word-of-mouth and purchase intentions. 最后,消费者口碑传播与重购意向呈显著正相关。
There is a positive correlation between students'chunk use and their writing ability. 语块与学生的写作水平之间存在正相关;
The Shenzhen and Shanghai markets have shown a very strong positive correlation over the past few years. 过去几年,深市和沪市表现出了很强的正相关关系。
A positive correlation existed between sedimentation value and average sunshine time in the period from heading to maturation. 沉降值、降落值与此期间的平均日照时数均呈正相关。
Results: The hemorheology in patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension was positive correlation with the fetal umbilical artery resistance. 结果:妊娠期高血压病患者血液流变学各值与胎儿脐动脉血流阻力指标各值呈正相关。
Some business units revealed a positive correlation between happy staff and happy customers. 在一些商业部门,研究结果显示在快乐员工和快乐客户之间存在正向关系。
There was a positive correlation between the experimental group's critical-thinking test score and local-culture test score. 实验组在教学后,批判思考能力得分与乡土知识测验分数有中度正相关。
Conversely, increased androgen steroids ( e.g.testosterone) generally have a positive correlation with libido in both sexes. [citationneeded]相反,雄激素(如睾丸素)在两性中普遍都与力比多有确定的关联。
Conclusions ① There is a significantly positive correlation between serum RSTN and Insulin resistance in the patients with CHD. 结论①冠心病患者空腹血清抵抗素浓度与胰岛素抵抗有显著正相关。
Results Positive correlation is expressed between the level of kidney trauma and the variation of microdose albumin in the high blood pressure group patients and diabetes group patients. 结果高血压和糖尿病组病人中尿微量白蛋白的变化和肾损伤的程度呈正相关性。
There was significantly positive correlation between AM infection ratio and alkaline nitrogen. AM菌根侵染率与碱解氮呈显著正相关。
Among the five personality traits, only Openness has a statistically significant positive correlation with job satisfaction. 五大人格特质中,仅「经验开放性」一项与自由口译员的工作满意有中程度的正相关。
The findings of the study show that there is a significant positive correlation between the related diversification and performance among the listed hotel companies; 发现饭店类上市公司的相关多元化和绩效有显著的正相关关系;
The relation between respondent's wetland conservation knowledge, attitude, and behavior had a positive correlation. 受访者的湿地保育知识与湿地保育态度、湿地保育行为彼此间有正相关。
With simple slope analysis, we found that: in a higher level of contradictory thinking style, there's a significant positive correlation between consumer orientation and inhibition of intimacy. 通过简单斜率分析,我们发现:在矛盾性的高水平上,消费取向与亲密抑制存在显著的正相关关系;
There is a clear linear positive correlation between the soil water infiltration rate and the soil porosity. 土壤入渗速率与孔隙度之间具有明显的线性正相关关系。
The total R& D input presents a notable positive correlation with the explained variables; R&D投入总量与被解释变量呈显著正相关关系;
There should be a positive correlation between tutor management system and the training goal of postgraduates. 导师管理制度与研究生培养目标之间有密切的关系,它们应该是正相关的。
Thyroid full volume, residual volume and residual rate showed linear positive correlation with the postoperative thyroid function. 甲状腺全量、残留量、残留率与术后甲功呈直线正相关。